
Watch out for these 5 warning signs of Parkinson’s disease

Watch out for these 5 warning signs of Parkinson’s disease

A debilitating neurological disorder, Parkinson’s disease, affects the nervous system. It is generally observed among those above the age of 60 years. In some cases, people below 50 also develop an early onset of the disease. It is common among those with a family history of the condition. Over time, the effect on the nervous system becomes apparent through several symptoms. There are warning signs of Parkinson’s that should not be ignored, which can help seek diagnosis and treatment.

Temors in the hands
This is one of the most noticeable warning signs of Parkinson’s. It is also known as rhythmic shaking. The tremors or shaking start to occur in the limbs of the hands or fingers. Sometimes, there is a pill-rolling tremor that causes a person to rub their thumb and forefinger against each other.

The handwriting grows smaller
It is normal for handwriting to change with age. However, Parkinson’s causes a person’s handwriting to become smaller, making it illegible over time. The words appear crowded, or the lines are not straight. This condition caused by Parkinson’s is also known as micrographia.

The movements become slow
Parkinson’s progresses over time to cause a person’s movements to become slower. They start to walk slower than their regular speed. Also, their steps may get shorter than how it usually was. They start to drag or shuffle their feet while walking. Also, the patients struggle to get up after sitting down.

Loss of smell
With the onset of Parkinson’s, some people begin to lose their sense of smell. They are particularly unable to recognize the smells of certain foods. They also have trouble smelling licorice, bananas, or dill pickles. While this is a common symptom of a stuffy nose or cold, it can be a sign of Parkinson’s if it is experienced with other symptoms as well.

The muscles become rigid
Stiffness or rigidity of muscles is another warning sign of Parkinson’s that should not be overlooked. This causes pain and makes it difficult to perform everyday routine tasks. This is because it limits the person’s range of motion.

It is recommended to consult a doctor once these signs of Parkinson’s disease are noticed. If left untreated, the condition may worsen as it progresses.